Song Lyrics for Wednesday Fellowship 4/1
Click to download the song lyricsfor tonight's Wednesday Fellowship Virtual Gathering (4/1)....
Keep ReadingClick to download the song lyricsfor tonight's Wednesday Fellowship Virtual Gathering (4/1)....
Keep ReadingIn this current age, it's easy to feel overwhlemed by all the information circulating around us. Read this beautifully written Liturgy For Those Flooded By Too Much Informationby Douglas Mckelvey....
Keep ReadingWatch Catechism with Mrs. Esther - The Sacraments U...
Keep ReadingChrist calls us to love our neighbors, and this command applies even during these extreme circumstances. Why should Christians practice hospitality during a pandemic? Read this thought-provoking article by the Gospel Coalition to find out....
Keep ReadingClick to download the song lyricsfor tonight's Wednesday Fellowship Virtual Gathering (3/25)....
Keep ReadingSo you're hearing the word "zoom" a lot in recent church communications. Zoom is a video app that allows multiple users (up to 100) to video conference through their smart phone or computer. In this time of social distancing, Zoom is a great resource for continuing Bible studies and large groups virtualy. Below are resources to help you get started. To get started, you'll...
Keep ReadingCheck out this great post from The Gospel Coalition on "9 Ways to Work Efficiently from Home."...
Keep Reading11 Tips for Families to Thrive During Coronavirus Social Isolation By Esther Sanders Jessica Sanders 1) Invest time in worship as a family.Maybe there is a devotional you always planned to do with your family or a book of the Bible you always hoped to read and think about together. Now is the time! Study God's Word together. Pray. Pray for the needs of neighbors and fri...
Keep ReadingWe may not be together this Wednesday evening, but we do have this encouragement from Pastor Bill Bradford on Psalm 23. ...
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