Kid's Resources Part 10

Copy of Green and Orange Shape Children & Kids Logo
Lawndale parents...just a note to let you know that you are being prayed well as your covenant children. Through the years the CE Committee has made it our goal to come alongside you to supplement and encourage the nurturing of your children. During these unprecedented days we would like to encourage you to take this opportunity to practice helping your children transition from Little Church to the general service by having them “sit” and participate in our Wednesday night short devotional study and the virtual Sunday session. There is really no better place than to train them at home...perfect for the times!!! Your expectations of your kids can be brief (5-10 minutes of them sitting quietly on your lap or longer). We trust this will be a sweet time for you together. Also, if you're looking for a resource for your own enrichment during this time, I highly recommend Paul Tripp's "Parenting"
For the Kids:
I hope you've been having fun on your treasure hunt! Here's Part 4 of "Going on a Treasure Hunt!"