We exist to love God and love others.

We strive to do this by gathering for worship, growing together in grace, and going out to speak and show the Gospel.

We are a reformed, evangelical congregation of the Presbyterian Church of America and our beliefs are based in the Scriptures alone, but systematically characterized by the Westminster Confession of Faith.

We believe the Scriptures are the inspired word of God and ought to be believed and obeyed as the ruling guide for life and faith. Through his word, He has declared His own glory, man’s need for salvation, and His plan to redeem His people. Thus, the Scriptures provide biblical theology to answer the issues of each culture and people.
We believe there is only one true and living God, existing in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, yet unified in their substance  (coequal and coeternal)  as He has chosen to reveal Himself through His word. He is perfect in his holiness and justice.
We believe all men have sinned and fallen short of God’s standard (Law) for holiness as set out in his word. Because of his perfect Holiness and our fallen state, we are alienated from God and condemned by our inability to obey the Law perfectly. Having broken that Law, we are guilty and justly deserve punishment.

But God, in his love for us, provided one to suffer the penalty of our sin and thus satisfy God’s requirement for justice but shelter us from destruction. That sinless one was Jesus Christ, the begotten son of God born to the Virgin Mary, who was punished in our stead and thus the remedy for God’s wrath toward us. Therefore, Jesus Christ was crucified as a substitutionary atonement for our sins. We believe that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and now reigns with the Father in heaven. We believe He will return again to judge the living and the dead.
We believe that our only hope of salvation is by faith in Christ alone. If we repent of our sin and believe upon Him, He is faithful to forgive our sins. Salvation is a free gift and not earned by our efforts. Our appropriate response to His loving kindness is reverence, repentance, obedience, love, and joy.  In love and gratitude, the life we now live belongs to God who ransomed us from sin. Through the Holy Spirit, we are progressively changed to be more like Christ as we serve His will for our lives.
We are committed to worship that gives God our honor, praise, thanksgiving and adoration in a manner that is acceptable to Him as he has described in Scripture. Thus, we believe the Bible is the regulatory guide for prayer, singing, reading of the Word, and sound preaching in an understanding of faith, grace, reverence and joy.
We are committed to teaching the whole counsel of God and equipping men and women to live in practical holiness, to embrace Christ-like Godliness, to pursue Christian fellowship, and to confront non-Christian thought with truth.
We believe we should faithfully reach out to the unsaved and spiritually needy through the word, to the physically needy through compassionate ministry and service, and to our society by promoting a biblical worldview.