Sunday School meets from 9:30-10:15 am, followed by a Worship Service at 10:30 am.
Wednesday night supper begins at 5:15pm. The cost is $3 per adult and $2 per child with a $15 family max (we accept cash, check, or online payments). A gluten free option is available each week. Wednesday Nights resume on August 7, 2024.
Fall 2024 Class Offerings:
Sunday Mornings: Our 3’s and 4’s will study Bible characters specially chosen by Great Commission Publications. Our K-6th graders will continue working through the “One Story” curriculum—a book-by-book study of the entire Bible. Classes are divided Kindergarten, 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, and 5th-6th.
Wednesday Nights: Two groups, the 3’s and 4’s and the K-4th graders, will study the Children’s Catechism. The 5th and 6th graders will do a book study called "A.S.K...Real World Questions/Real World Answers" by David Robertson.
Sunday Mornings: Both Middle & High School meet in the Youth Loft.
Wednesday Nights: Middle & High School meet together in the Youth Loft for the beginning of the semester. We will divide into small groups starting in September, studying Belong by Barnabas Piper.
Sunday School: Adult Sunday School meets in the Fellowship Hall. August is filled with exciting guest speakers! We return to Community Group format on September 8th.
Wednesday Nights: Adults will meet in the Fellowship Hall for Wednesday evening classes.
Nursery is provided during these times for ages 0-2.